Factors of Participation in Continuing Education

1 Barriers to participation in continuing education: The Czech Republic case Věra Czesaná National

1 Barriers to participation in continuing education: The Czech Republic case Věra Czesaná National Training Fund Lille, May 21 th – 23 th, 2008 www. nvf. cz/observatory

2 National Observatory of Employment and Training NOET provides information, carries out research, collects

2 National Observatory of Employment and Training NOET provides information, carries out research, collects data including field surveys, and analyses development trends in the labour market and education in the following main areas: ü analyses of mutual links between LM and education (especially access to education, role of education in increasing employability); ü analyses of the HRD as a resource and result of competitiveness of the economy (quality of HR, HR in knowledge and technology intensive industries); ü development of methodology and provision of forecasting of labour market qualification needs at the national, sectoral and regional levels; NOET co-operates closely with national ministries, EC, OECD, Cedefop (European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training) and other partner institutions. It takes part in the expert European networks: Refer. Net (national co-ordinator) and Skills. Net (international network for cooperation in forecasting skills needs). www. nvf. cz/observatory

3 Structure of presentation Ø Participation in continuing education in the CR Ø Survey

3 Structure of presentation Ø Participation in continuing education in the CR Ø Survey on barriers to participation – methodology Ø Reasons for not participating Ø Factor analysis approach Ø What are the main barriers for different social groups Ø Conclusions www. nvf. cz/observatory

4 Participation in continuing education in the CR Changes in participation rate (%, percentage

4 Participation in continuing education in the CR Changes in participation rate (%, percentage points) 2003 2006 -2003 EU-27 8. 6 9. 9 1. 3 EU-15 9. 8 11. 4 1. 6 CZ 5. 4 6. 1 0. 7 Denmark 18. 9 28. 7 9. 8 United Kingdom 21. 2 27. 5 6. 3 Spain 5. 8 11. 6 5. 8 Hungary 6. 0 4. 2 -1. 8 Greece 3. 9 2. 1 -1. 9 Sweden 34. 2 17. 5 -16. 7 Source: EUROSTAT (2003, 2006 b), own calculations • Almost 10% of adult population in EU-27 is participating • Large differences between old and new MS • CZ – only 6. 1% • Majority of countries will not able to meet the Lisbon goal 12. 5% by 2010 • The case of Denmark, UK and Spain – a fast increase is possible www. nvf. cz/observatory

5 Survey on barriers - methodology Characteristics of the sample: • 2 987 persons

5 Survey on barriers - methodology Characteristics of the sample: • 2 987 persons aged 25 to 64 (quota selection corresponding to the census) • participation, barriers - all types of education (EUROSTAT definition), 12 months • identification following gender, age, educational attainment, LM position, profession, income, size of the residence place, company size, industry, foreign capital stake) Method: face to face interview, 11 factual questions + 10 identification questions www. nvf. cz/observatory

6 Survey - participation in education I. • Disadvantaged people in pre-retirement age •

6 Survey - participation in education I. • Disadvantaged people in pre-retirement age • Large differences according to education attainment and income (very low participation for people with basic as well as secondary levels) • Small differences according to the size of living place (except vilages) Source: NOZV-NVF, CVVM 2005 www. nvf. cz/observatory

7 Survey - participation in education II. • Very low participation of woman on

7 Survey - participation in education II. • Very low participation of woman on maternity leave • Very low participation not only unskilled workers but also skilled blue collars and lower white collars Source: NOZV-NVF, CVVM 2005 www. nvf. cz/observatory

8 Reasons for not participating in education Source: NOZV-NVF, CVVM 2005 www. nvf. cz/observatory

8 Reasons for not participating in education Source: NOZV-NVF, CVVM 2005 www. nvf. cz/observatory

9 Factor analysis – I. Factor analysis: • to reveal links between barriers (barriers

9 Factor analysis – I. Factor analysis: • to reveal links between barriers (barriers occurring simultaneously) • to identify the nature of barriers in relation to various social groups education is sufficient no information too demanding insufficient quality loss of incomes high prices no expected usefulness employer refuses give time off taking care within the family lack of support from the family lack of time poor transport don't enjoy education Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 -0, 098 -0, 114 0, 445 0, 018 0, 149 -0, 053 -0, 160 0, 001 0, 093 -0, 074 -0, 114 0, 103 0, 136 -0, 018 -0, 023 0, 074 0, 008 -0, 013 0, 032 0, 436 0, 032 0, 048 0, 023 -0, 060 0, 026 0, 434 0, 032 0, 007 -0, 001 0, 034 0, 282 0, 023 -0, 078 0, 002 0, 037 -0, 016 -0, 015 -0, 023 0, 429 0, 002 0, 122 0, 103 0, 001 -0, 033 -0, 005 -0, 170 -0, 072 -0, 074 0, 128 Note: Principal component matrix with Quartimax rotation was used for the extraction of factors. The table shows correlation coefficients between the factor and each barrier. FACTOR 1 „Actual barriers" – high course prices combined with insufficient information and courses supply; no negative attitudes (enjoy education) FACTOR 2 „Can not" participate in continuing education – here is strongly represented lack of time, care for family; they think they need education www. nvf. cz/observatory

10 Factor analysis – II. education is sufficient no information too demanding insufficient quality

10 Factor analysis – II. education is sufficient no information too demanding insufficient quality loss of incomes high prices no expected usefulness employer refuses give time off taking care within the family lack of support from the family lack of time poor transport don't enjoy education Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 -0, 098 -0, 114 0, 445 0, 018 0, 149 -0, 053 -0, 160 0, 001 0, 093 -0, 074 -0, 114 0, 103 0, 136 -0, 018 -0, 023 0, 074 0, 008 -0, 013 0, 032 0, 436 0, 032 0, 048 0, 023 -0, 060 0, 026 0, 434 0, 032 0, 007 -0, 001 0, 034 0, 282 0, 023 -0, 078 0, 002 0, 037 -0, 016 -0, 015 -0, 023 0, 429 0, 002 0, 122 0, 103 0, 001 -0, 033 -0, 005 -0, 170 -0, 072 -0, 074 0, 128 Note: Principal component matrix with Quartimax rotation was used for the extraction of factors. The table shows correlation coefficients between the factor and each barrier. FACTOR 3 „Does not need" continuing education – considering qualification to be sufficient, no lack of information, no fear of education FACTOR 4 „Given up" – clearly headed by the barrier „education does not offer the expected usefulness, negative attitude (does not enjoy), fear of education (education is too demanding) www. nvf. cz/observatory

11 F 1: Actual barriers + High prices 0, 436 + No information 0,

11 F 1: Actual barriers + High prices 0, 436 + No information 0, 149 + Insufficient quality 0, 136 - Do not enjoy education -0, 170 www. nvf. cz/observatory

12 F 2: Can not participate + Lack of time 0, 429 + Taking

12 F 2: Can not participate + Lack of time 0, 429 + Taking care within the family 0, 282 - Education is sufficient -0, 114 www. nvf. cz/observatory

13 F 3: Does not need education + Education is sufficient 0, 445 -

13 F 3: Does not need education + Education is sufficient 0, 445 - No information -0, 160 - Too demanding -0, 114 www. nvf. cz/observatory

14 F 4: Has given up on education + No expected usefulness 0, 434

14 F 4: Has given up on education + No expected usefulness 0, 434 + Do not enjoy education 0, 128 + Lack of time 0, 122 + Too demanding 0, 103 www. nvf. cz/observatory

15 Conclusions • The situation in the CR is characterised by low participation in

15 Conclusions • The situation in the CR is characterised by low participation in continuing education which is a danger not only for disadvantaged groups but also for large groups people with medium qualification and income • Different combination of factors is typical for individual social groups – policy measures must respect specificities if they are to be effective • Factor analysis identified 4 groups of barriers that people are facing: actual barriers, - can not participate, - do not need education, - given-up. • The factor analysis in combination with participation characteristics helps to reveal the right policy measures tailored made for individual social groups • Special measures for social groups they need help; some support for people that try to overcome barriers (the results could be probably the most effective ones); activation measures for people that have given-up (large group of people) www. nvf. cz/observatory

16 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION VERA CZESANA czesana@nvf. cz www. nvf. cz/observatory

16 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION VERA CZESANA [email protected] cz www. nvf. cz/observatory


Source: https://slidetodoc.com/1-barriers-to-participation-in-continuing-education-the/

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