Is It Illegal to Falsely Accuse Someone of Rape

via Unsplash - Dustin Scarpitti
via Unsplash – Dustin Scarpitti

1. "I've Heard You're Good At Raping Girls"

"When I was 20, I lived in a house with 5 girls (I'm a guy) who went to college (I didn't). We would have parties sometimes, or just make dinner together-pretty much normal young adult things.

One party got a little wild and at the end of the night, this girl I had met a few times but didn't really know was passed out on the floor in the living room. I woke her up and got her to move to a couch, gave her some water and a blanket and went to bed because it was 4am. I got up at 8, hungover, to go to work and she's still there, but she hasn't drowned in her own vomit or peed herself or anything so I go to work and forget about the entire thing.

The following weekend rolls around and we have a few people over again, and we are all drinking and playing games, but something feels weird. People are treating me weird, ending conversations as soon as I ask them something, leaving the room as soon as I come in, etc. After a couple hours we are playing cards again, and I win a round and make a self deprecating joke about usually not being good at anything, when some guy I didn't even know says

'Well I've heard you are good at raping girls.'

That pretty much stopped all the fun.

Apparently the girl woke up with some gaps in her memory from being so drunk but remembered me giving her a glass of water and told everyone at her school that I had drugged and raped her. For an entire week had been talking about me being a rapist.

My roommate (female) defended me, and immediately called the girl to confront her.

The party is pretty much ruined, and everyone is leaving when my housemate comes downstairs and tells us that the girl admitted that she had lied about it. The next day the girl came over and apologized to me for starting the rumor and 'overreacting.' Like falsely accusing someone of rape is an overreaction.

I wish the rumor ended that easily, but it was months before the rest of the school decided that I wasn't a monster."

2. Drunk On Orange Juice, Claims To Have Been Drugged

"When I was a junior in college, my roommate's little sister was a freshman and would always try to hook us up with her friends. One night a few of them showed up to a pregame at our house and I was making out with one of her friends before we left the house, we had each maybe had like four beers tops.

I snuck her into the bar that night and at one point it was obvious she was getting hammered, so for the last two or three hours I was just going to the bar and getting her orange juice and telling her it was a screwdriver. I was with her all night, and while she was probably a lightweight since she was young and kind of tiny, she was definitely all the way there throughout the night.

She basically dragged me back to my house and we ended up hooking up that night. The next morning she woke up and rolled over and woke me up and was like 'what did you put in my drinks???' She continued to tell this story about how I must have drugged her, until my roommate's sister called her out on it and how she had been talking about how she was going to try and hook up with me before they even started drinking. Also the fact she hadn't had a drop of alcohol the last like four hours of the night.

It got tough when she ended up getting a job at a bar that me and my buddies frequented and spreading rumors that I date raped her. That is until she slept with one of my buddies and ended up doing the exact same thing to him.

All that vitamin C must have really gotten to her."


3. Own Sister Starts Rumor

"Yes. My sister spread a rumor I'd said i was going to rape a girl because i wasn't doing what she told me (she's a control freak, likes getting what she wants or she spreads vile rumors obviously).

Girls brother found me. Beat me up. Then I was known in that area as the guy that'll rape you if you're near me. Thankfully I managed to explain it, and point out the fact that she (sister) is a manipulative person who'll do anything to get her own way.

Thankfully my sister isn't in my life anymore."


4. Neighbor Spreads Rumors Over Toddler Taking A Bath

"When I was 21 I was babysitting my 2 year old sister while my mom was working.

My sister was taking a bath while I was cooking supper. Someone rang the doorbell, and my sister streaked to the door and opened it before I could get there.

My neighbor saw my sister standing there naked and assumed I had been molesting her. Neighbour called the cops and reported me as a child molester.

After speaking to me, my mom after she raced over, and speaking to my sister, they agreed nothing happened.

It didn't stop that neighbor from spreading rumors though. Before long no one in the apartment complex would have anything to do with me. After the rumor spread throughout our small town I lost my job and couldn't find another one, not even flipping burgers despite 3 years of management experience at that point.

I ended up having to move a couple of counties away to get my life back on track."


5. Enthusiastic Consent And No Sex

"I was 13 or 14, she was 16, we were together and I was infatuated. I stayed over one night, she'd been teasing me all night, saying she wants it and flashing me and such. We were watching movies and her brother was in the room on the floor, we were in the bed, whispering naughty but sweet nothings to each other. I ask if we can crack on, she says, and I quote, 'Yes we can,' her brother gets up and leaves (This is just as the movie ended)

We get busy with it, no penetration, rubbing it on her clit and such, we go to sleep. Next day, I message her, she responds 'I don't wanna talk to you' when asked why, 'because you're a dirty rapist.'

The rumour spread, I lost all but two of my friends, people hated me, I was beaten more than once, since then I've moved halfway across the country, met a new girl (I've been with her for a few years, still a bit hesitant when it comes towards the act) and am doing better. People in my hometown still believe the rumours.

The kicker? Her brother came out and told everyone 'It's not true, I heard her say yes we can and then I left.'

They still believe her."


6. Identity Theft Results In Sexually Harassing, Fuckboy Rumors

"Oh, here's a fun one. It's proof that my hometown sits over a Hellmouth. It's also not exactly a physical assault story, but it has a lot of the same connotations. Here goes.

This was a couple years ago. I'm living four hours from my hometown (hell, I'm living in a different country). I get a message from an old friend of mine, angrily asking what my deal was. I'm oblivious to what she's talking about, so I press her on what she meant.

Apparently someone in my hometown had pretended to be me online and had begun sending the most vile messages to girls — odd, considering that I'm gay — and now I had a reputation of being a sexually harassing scumbag.

I was beyond furious. Like, that was probably the angriest I've ever been at anyone. I immediately claim innocence (citing my sexuality), and my friend thankfully believed me. But that didn't change the fact that my reputation in my hometown was forever sullied. I ended up hiring a private investigator, who used some IP tracing voodoo to find the son of a bitch (who turned out to be a girl), and she (the PI) gets the police involved. Turns out, the culprit (who was a couple years behind me in school and whom I'd never personally spoken to in my life) was using my name because, and I quote, 'he always hung out with girls in school and nobody would suspect a thing.' (Oh really, you dipshit? I had a girl posse because I was trying to get in their pants?)

Long story short, you bet your ass I pressed charges. I already feel like people are judging me WITHOUT some stupid dipshit making me look like a Tinder fuckboy."


7. Ex Accuses Man of Child Sexual Assault, Investigation Clears Him

"My partner accused me of sexually abusing our 4 year old daughter when she took me to court over custody. Due to pressure from my lawyer, I agreed to pay the full cost of a custody evaluation and be monitored 24/7 by a nanny when I was with my child in order to preserve my custody. After the initial court hearing, she also reported me to DCFS which started 2 additional investigations, one by DCFS, and one by the police.

The investigations took 6 months to complete. All found no evidence of abuse but the custody evaluator basically gave her a pass on the false allegations of sexual abuse. After I was cleared, she still wouldn't agree to remove the 24/7 nanny and I had to fight in court for another two months to have that removed via a court order.

Custody trial ended almost 2 years after this started. The judge didn't want to address the issue of the false allegations of sexual abuse and awarded my parter custody for other reasons. All in, me and my family have spent well over $200k on the court case and costs associated with her false allegations.

I'm planning to go to court again to ask for sanctions against her for the false allegations. I don't have much hope of getting them."


8. Lesbian Comes Out To Friend, Rewarded With False Molestation Claim

"Yep. I'm female and came out to my best friend, along with admitting that I liked her. She slowly tapered off contact until she disappeared, and then the rumors started that I had molested her at a sleepover. That was utterly impossible because we had never had a sleepover, ever, thanks to my mother."


9. "I Was A Shell Of A Human Being Afterward"

Yep, I was 18 and living in a foreign country. I slept with my flatmate who subsequently cried rape. The police got involved and i was rendered homeless, unable to leave the state for about 3 months as they took my passport, working visa and I lost my job as a result of having formal charges.

It was all made up of course and there was no evidence. The case was eventually thrown out but it took several months for this to happen. Up until this point, I was homeless crashing on couches where I could and living on the streets otherwise. Once the case was thrown out, I phoned home, begged money and got the next flight out.

Life after has been fine really, but it look me a long time to trust women again. I'm happy to say it's all in the past but it's surprising how much something like this sticks with you, how much it shapes you. I rarely talk about it as people silently judge you and wonder 'did he do it?' It's better to just pretend it never happened.

Rape is a horrible crime and potential victims should always be taken seriously, but I can tell anyone from first-hand knowledge, that being falsely accused is a horribly crappy thing to do to someone. I got very lucky but for a while, I thought I was going to jail for a crime I never committed. As a scared shitless kid, this was heartrendingly painful.

They say what doesn't kill you makes you stronger but it isn't true. I was well adjusted before and for a long time after, I was a shell of a human being.


10. Teacher Accused, Quickly Cleared

"Teacher here, before I qualified I worked in a Primary (elementary) school and had an 11 year old get her friends to come up with a story. Was squashed real quick but even that took 3 days and I wasn't allowed in school at the time. Been over the top careful ever since."


11. "You Got Lucky"

"I used to work at Walmart. A girl claimed I threatened to kill her, held her down, and aid I was going to rape her. Police were called in, the whole thing. I was close to being fired for this, despite no one else having seen or heard any of this (her claim was that there were witnesses, all her close friends). I only didn't her fired because one of her 'witnesses' said that she made it all up because she was mad that I got into a department she wanted.

My (male) boss was cool about it, didn't hold anything against me and was basically the reason I wasn't fired. His (Female) boss was awful about it. Still blaming me for the whole thing (the phrase 'you got lucky' was thrown around a few times). When I tried to get them to fire her/press charges I found out that apparently in Pennsylvania at the time you couldn't press criminal charges for false accusations because they don't want to discourage real cases from coming forward. Didn't help that she was 6-7 months pregnant and said it was the hormones. Her boyfriend threatened to kill me if I kept pushing for charges.

I ended up having to quit to get away from her. I mean quitting was a good thing overall anyway, I got a better job a few weeks later that I actually enjoyed, but I was livid that a crazy girl was able to force me to quit a job with zero evidence and a sad story."


12. It Was Her Fifth Claim Of Rape

"A friend of a friend was accused of rape by his then gf. She came to his place, asked for booze. He gave her a bottle, she chugged it, passed out. A few hours later she wakes up, says he raped her and if he doesn't pay her 5k she will go to the police. He thought she was kidding until she stormed out.

Fast forward a bit and the police show up. They tell him she had taken pills prior to the alcohol and thats why she passed out as quick as she did. They told him not to worry, this was the 5th time she had cried rape without any signs of sexual intercourse, always with the same pills and some random alcohol in her body.

The police suggested he file charges but he decided against it since she was obviously bat shit crazy. It had no impact on his life aside from becoming more skeptical of women in general."


13. Don't Know How To Move On

"My ex did this to me because she was upset that I told her current boyfriend that she was cheating. She broke into my room threatened to kill me and stuff. When I calmed her down a bit and we went outside to talk, she tried to blackmail me with the whole rape accusation. Luckily, I filmed it on my phone and when she realised I had filmed her plans of blackmail, she called me childish and stormed off. I told all of my friends, and they luckily took my side. Guess who didn't choose my side? My sister. She thinks that I did in fact rape my ex and broke contact with me. So how am I moving on? Since I lost my sister to this, I honest to God don't know."


14. She Came Clean But The Damage Was Done

"I was working as a youth programs director for a large synagogue in Los Angeles. I was 24 years old, and, working with mostly high-school aged kids. I was engaged. Being 24, I had put little thought into optics of working with underaged girls, but, I did always keep the office door open, and, I never met with anyone alone. One day, I get called into a 'meeting' with the director of the synagogue, and in the room is a cop, and the father of one of the girls on the board of the high school youth group who I worked with regularly. This girl told her friends we had sex in my office…The rumor got around and there we were. I was stunned completely and all that came out was 'is this a fucking joke?' I told her father straight in his eyes, 'Mr. name, the only thing I am going to say at this time is I never had any inappropriate contact with your daughter, or anyone else for that matter, and I suggest you find out why she would make up a lie like this that could ruin my life.'

I then had to hire a lawyer. I was put on paid leave. Anyway, it only took 2 days… The girl confessed she made it all up. It didn't matter, the damage was done. Even though everyone apologized to me, I could feel it, that linger doubt people had that 'something' must have happened. I quit the job. My fiance and I broke up. There were some other things happening, but I feel like this creeped in and she also had that 'lingering doubt' that nothing happened.

This girl basically ruined my life at the time, and there was no consequence for her.

Now, some 20 years later, that event has zero impact in my life. I am happily married, I have a successful business, and I am not really friends with anyone from those circles anymore…But I often think about it, and wonder how my life would have been different had that not happened. I think one saving grace was at this time, there was no social media."


15. A Family Of Accusers

"I was working as a teacher's assistant.

Student and/or mother concocted some bizarre story about me. that I'd come on to her kid. Their evidence was a text document (that they could have easily have written), a photo on a public profile that I had at the time (anyone could just search my name and download it), and claims that I'd touched the kid in a club I'd be running at lunch time for some kids (no other kid there would corroborate her claim). Since I am a male, of course I was put on indefinite leave while the police 'investigated.' They confiscated all my electronics, held them for months, found nothing. Basically did nothing, but never 'released' the investigation, so now, even over a decade later I could never go back there and work in that district because they've never dropped it. Despite her 'boyfriend' making a similar accusation against my mother who also worked at the school as a TA a few months later.

As for how I moved on? I couldn't sleep for months. I was a complete mess. I knew I hadn't done anything, but these things barely have to be plausible to turn into a shit show. Eventually I moved away, but the experience has really colored my judgment of these kinds of things, and especially how they're handled. I don't know exactly how long it took me to move on, but it was a long damn time.

Last I heard when she graduated high school she was another underperforming single teenage mother into drugs. An absolute fucking mess.

That was the first time,

Second time wasn't exactly a false accusation, just a threat.

Had this friend. Well a group of female friends. A very long time ago, we were having a bit of a party, some drinking, etc. At some point we decided myself and the 3 girls were going to all crash in my bed. So we all laid down. the girl I was sharing a room with.. but not really dating..kind of like FWB falls asleep first. The other two girls and I are talking, and one of them after a bit starts grinding on me and grabbing whatever she can. We decide to go out to the sofa, her offer, and asked the other awake girl to join, but she declined, we ended up doing it, came back to bed, the other girl woke up, we all laughed about what was going on, carried on for a while after and finally passed out.

Cut to a few months later, this girl is looking for a part time job, she doesn't have great references or experience, but anyway I put in a good word with my boss and get her hired where I'm working. First day she doesn't show up.

I call her up and ask what's going on, she's okay, etc. seems like she just flaked, so I said to her that it was kind of a dick move to do that, I vouched for her with my boss, and that reflected poorly on me, her first response was 'Yeah, well you know a few months ago when we had sex you knew I'd had some beer first right, maybe I should report you?'

talk about escalating quickly. I mentioned it to the other friend who had been there, she says she'd take care of it, called her up and told her she was being a dumb ass, and I heard no more of that nonsense."


16. Assholes convince A Drunk Girl She'd Been Raped

"Wasn't me but a close friend. When we was about 18 we would regularly have parties, about 40 people would turn up and it was pretty chill. The guy who was accused was a close friend in our intimate group and he had this huge crush on a girl who was a tag along, a friend of a friend… my friends a bit dorky, kinda awkward but a nice guy.

At one particular party this girl had had too much to drink and my friend helped her into a spare bed, got her some water and sat with her for a little while, fully clothed whilst the party was still going on. I think at one point they kissed but nothing else.

The next morning she wakes up and people start joking that hey slept together purely to get a rise out of her, she, embarrassed, cries rape and everyone starts going after my friend. He rings my boyfriend at the time panicking saying this girl has told everyone he raped her and he's getting threats.

Me and my boyfriend instantly shut that shit down, told him we will sort it out. We then contacted everyone we could calling this girl out, after hours of this, some people have realised that yeah she's lying because when she was asked what happened her story changed each time.

Fast forward to the next party, she shows up, realises she's getting the cold shoulder and admits that she was 'confused' about and what happened… people in our close group forgot about it pretty quickly, but some people who were close to her were still a little funny with him."


17. Virgin Accuses Virgin Of Rape

"My girlfriend of 3 years claimed I raped her, because she didn't want the relationship to end.

We were both still virgins.

A lot of people in my hometown still kinda hate me for it, even though I never did any such thing. I considered taking her to court, but luckily her dad stepped in and took my side. Said he knew my character, and knew that his daughter was too much like her mother for her own good.

Still, I refused to date for over 4 years after that."


18. Gained 100 Pounds Due To Depression

"I got accused by a girl about 6 or 7 years ago. It was the ex of my friend. We never talked while they dated but had to share a hotel room and hit it off (the instance happened 6 months later). After a night of drinking we hooked up. We both went out to a diner and sat around talking an hour after the bar closed before anything happened and I got consent from her. The next day she made me call my friend and tell him what happened. I did because I thought we were clearing the air for a relationship. He was pissed at me but more in a disappointed way than an angry way. After that the girl and I talked less and less. I saw her the next month and I figured out by her actions that she was sleeping with another guy. I got drunk and told a friend as I was upset. My friend confronted the guy and he told the girl I knew. She blew up and blocked both of us on Facebook. I find out a year later that she has now modified her story to one where I raped her that night. My friends didn't believe her (thank god) and she moved to the opposite side of the country shortly after. I do know that to this day she is sticking to her story though (she blew up on a friend last year for agreeing with a rapist's comment on his Facebook wall).

How did all this affect me? I became severely depressed and even more self hating for not being able to see that this girl was using me. I gained about 100 pounds due to the depression. I have nightmares to this day where my friends believed her instead of me. I have dated one girl in the 6+ years since it happened and only because she had the patience of a saint to deal with my now chronic anxiety. I am afraid to talk to women and have severe trust issues. I thought of suicide several times since it happened. Luckily I have a good support structure in my life. I know I should get help but I have fears of talking about what happened to other people. Mostly, the accusation broke me."


19. Women Who Cheated And Then Claimed Coercion

"Twice. Both times because I made the poor choice of screwing around with a woman already in a relationship; once as a teenager and once in the Navy. Both times their significant other found out, and in both cases they made a claim of coercion. Both times I willingly went to the authorities (the first time with the local PD, the second time with NCIS) and volunteered for a polygraph…passing with an overwhelming margin each time, and both accusers ended up recanting their statements.

The second time, seeing as how it jeopardized my Naval career, was real a eye-opener. I stopped looking for one-night stands and promised myself I would never get involved again in that situation. I married a few years after that and settled nicely into the role of model husband (Full disclosure: that last statement would NOT pass muster with my wife)."


20. Totally Out Of The Blue

"Thankfully nothing came of this in the end but I still don't understand how it even happened. I was working a second shift job at the time and living at home. Mom comes and wakes me up saying that there is an officer at the door to speak with me. He asks me if I know some person. Never heard of him, I assumed it was a male since everyone I had met with this mysterious person's name was male. The cop tells me it was a girl and that she was raped the night before. Confused, I say I have never met this person and never been to where I allegedly picked her up. She described my car, me, and gave the officer my full name. She said I picked her up from a party at midnight. I didn't get out of work that night until 1:45 am. Not sure what happened to her or any of it after the cop left. He never came back though.

A co worker of mine lived in the area of this girl and I asked about her. She was his sister's best friend. He knew nothing about this."


21. She Accused A Few People And He lost The Ability To Trust Friends

"I had just been on a blind date with one of my buddies girlfriends friends. We went out a couple more times, and then she invited me to her place to 'watch movies.' We kissed for a bit, and then she grabbed my hands and pushed them up under her bra.

A short while later her mom called, and at that time she had taken her bra off and I was fondling her under her shirt – I stopped but she forced one hand back, and then pushed the other one into her pants above her panties. This went on the whole time she was on the phone, and when she got off she took her shirt off and unzipped my pants to work on me for a bit. She gave me a bit of a blowjob, and I returned the favour.

By this time we were both 100% naked with her being the one that took off most of our clothes, and I had finished with her. I asked if she had a condom, and she said yes, got it, and I put it on. Just as I started to slide in she said, 'No I can't do this, sorry!'

I stopped, and said, 'That is fine, we can stop.'

We then got partially dressed, and kept fooling around. After I left she told me she had a lot of fun, and we planned to meet for a date later that week where she 'promised' she would be ready.

After that she went completely silent, at the time there were no real cell phones, and so I just left a couple of messages and left it at that.

At the same time that group of friends started avoiding me, and we did not really talk or hang out for a few months. I then ran into the buddy who had introduced us at work one day, and he told me that we needed to talk in the parking lot. Where he basically told me that this girl had told everyone I had raped her, forced her to take clothes off, made her suck me off, and almost fucked her when she started screaming. He told me that we really could not be friends anymore, and would not listen to anything I said. Then he said that he was having a tough time not punching me in the face, and to never contact him again.

The thing is, she did not report anything, only told our shared set of friends.

Another few months pass, and out of the blue buddy calls me to meet him for burgers. We meet up, and he apologizes to me. Apparently she did this to another acquaintance of theirs, and they cut contact with that guy too since he was only a work friend. Then she did it to our other close friend (we were basically the Three Amigos in high school), but this time my buddies girlfriend got her to fess up. She admitted that she was just embarrassed, and thought people would think she was a slut. And since we were all friends she was worried we would 'talk' about her.

Now, for some reason my buddies STBX girlfriend (he broke up with her a few weeks later) never accepted that what happened with me was faked, but our group of friends finally accepted that I was actually telling the truth.

I am pretty lucky that she never went to the police because it would have been a 100% he said / she said, and she was a good enough actor that she got two good friends of mine to believe her stories for months. If she had not tried to pull the same thing on the acquaintance and my second friend I think I would have permanently lost those friendships.

That said, things never went back to being 100% the same because I can and could never trust them to have my back again."


22. She Felt Raped

"Years ago I was at a house party with a small group of people I knew. Some were friends, some friends of friends. As the night wore on I got real comfy. (real comfy = quite buzzed). I woke to one of the girls who lived there dragging me into her bed room. I didn't resist, but I wasn't to helpful either. Eventually we got to her room. The only part I really cooperated with was taking off my shoes. (she had tried to remove my pants w/o taking off shoes and socks) As always, one thing lead to another. The thing of it is, she was on top the whole time.

For the next couple days she acted like we was a couple, I told her I wasn't sure I wanted to enter a relationship. Then she hit me with it, 'after the other night you don't want me as a g/f? I feel raped.' IMO there is a difference between 'I was raped' and 'I feel raped' but just the same. She dragged me into her room, except for shoes and socks removed her clothes and mine. She mounted and rode me. Yet in her mind, she was raped, go figure."


23. A Wife's "Friend" Decided to "Help Out"

"Guy in the company I commanded is accused of sexually assaulting a 16 year old girl. Because the nature of the assault was vague the initial case was sent to Family Advocacy as something along the lines of child abuse. If you know anything about Family Advocacy they start at guilty and work toward more guilty. But the alleged assault took place on federal property and age of consent on federal property is 16. because of that I got it moved to a criminal case with real investigators. We were eventually able to prove that he was at a secure facility that required an absolute identity check 45 minutes away when the act was alleged to have happened. Presented with that, the lie broke. My soldier and his wife had been having some martial issues. Normal married person stress. His spouses friend and next door neighbor decided to 'help her out' by having her (friend/neighbor) 16 year old daughter claim assault. It did not help that my soldier and the 16 year old had been friendly in a way that caused his spouse to at least consider it might have happened. And 16 year old could pass for 22 without effort. I have no idea what friend thought that would do to 'help' but that was her best idea. End of the day he was fine and his wife got new friends. Sadly, nothing happened to the false accusers."


24. "We Know what you do to drunk girls"

"Ok, here we go. I was about 20 and got drunk at a party. I ended up making out with this girl I had known for a long time, we did nothing sexual just kissed. She was a life long friends with a very good friend of mine at the time. She told him that I took advantage of her, when nothing of the sort happened at all. This was 9 years ago and he still doesn't talk to me, it still kinda bums me out. About a month after that incident we were at another party and this girl I had met a few times got blackout drunk. I helped her on the couch (this was literally in the heart of the party) and got her a blanket and some water, that is when my previous best friends (the guy I mentioned earlier) girlfriend ran and pushed me away saying 'we know what you do to drunk girls.' I left and have no relationship with any of those people anymore. It still bums me out."


25. Lost His Job Because Accusations Make Parents Nervous

"I worked with a guy (Steve, for the sake of the story) who had been accused by his nephew of being raped while he was teaching him in grade 10. He failed the kid because he was a worthless shit, constantly stating how he didn't need to work because he was family with the teacher.

I feel Steve with was a solid individual, he never made inappropriate comments and everyone got along with him. His nephew claimed that on 2 occasions he had sex with Steve after school, once at school(after hours) and once at Steves house. Issues are he couldn't remember which days, he never had any evidence against him other than his word. After Steve proved his whereabouts on about a dozen days and the kid couldn't tell a story without changing a detail they dropped the charges and he was allowed to teach again. Nope, they asked him to resign and he got the rest of the year paid.

Now many people in Steve's situation would have moved and tried to start again, but he takes care of his mother (another reason fucking a teen would have been noticed, they live together and she can't really leave the house without help). So when he did try, he had meetings with superintendents and principals and they all basically said the accusation alone will make parents nervous, which it would. So he was politely told he could not teach, at least in that region. So he works as a head cook, in a job he hates and he drinks more now. Sucks he was a nice guy. Also I know he could have done it because you never really know a person but I think he was just unlucky to have known the kid."


26. A Cop's Daughter Accuses And Her Father Goes Over The Top

"Ex gf, daughter of a cop. Got mad in high school. Decides to falsely accuse me of rape.

Unfortunately in her elaborate tale… I was at work… at Burger King… on camera. When she tried to change the story because clearly the imagined trauma caused her to misremember I was also at work… on camera.

Of course this didn't mean much to her father – who when showing up at my place of work and being offered video evidence as well as the time card showing that I couldn't possibly have done it – decides evidence is for suckers and literally cuffs me and hauls me off.

Parents get a lawyer immediately – sensible 16yr old me decides 'screw innocence these people clearly don't care about evidence' and says as only edgy 16 yr old me can. 'Are you my parents or lawyer? No? Eat a dick' for about 2 hours on repeat.

The fallout was pretty bad – apparently her dad had a number of complaints from other people and this stunt was over the line and he lost his job. (There was a ton of pressure to make an example of this guy – it was 16 years ago and in a white upper middle class area). I mean he probably just got on with another department somewhere else and didn't change but that's neither here nor there.

Socially the fallout was worse for her – since the rumor started with 'accused of rape but clearly innocent and the police didn't care about evidence' so before she could garnish one ounce of sympathy she was branded as unstable and insane. She got beaten up twice at school before transferring and she was never heard from again.

At the time I feel she got everything she deserved – but I sort of feel bad in a way. Like she clearly didn't have a grasp on the severity of her actions – and the backlash likely made whatever problems she had worse rather than getting help. Of course it's easy for me to be sympathetic when the whole thing got pretty much immediately shut down and reversed."


27. No One Even Asked For His Side Of The Story

"I was falsely accused of rape back in college. I was dating (or so I thought?) this girl for about 3 months. It started out as a friendship which progressed to cuddling and naps in her dorm to making out. One night we were at a party together and we left early to go mess around. We went to her car which she unlocked the back seat and we both got in. She had no problem with me going down on her to orgasm. Once she came a few times SHE took off my pants (unprompted) and started stroking me to get me hard and guided me into her. After a minute or two of sex she decided she didn't want our first time to be in the car. I immediately pulled out and said no problem. I really liked the girl and had no problems waiting. I thought I was just giving her what she wanted and the relationship was evolving, but I didn't mind waiting because I wasn't in it just for the sex.

Well everything was fine after. We went and ate at IHOP and she even spent the night that night. All week we were fine and nothing had changed. We even took a road trip alone together to Austin City Limits later that week. Along the way we saw an adult bookstore sign and it was HER idea to stop (she was driving her car) and check it out. After the stop we continued on the trip and had a good time talking about all the things you would talk about in a budding relationship.

Once we got to Austin everything changed. She had only mentioned we were staying with friends, but she failed to mention that one of these guys was a child hood friend of hers that she always had a crush on. She basically shunned me from the start and buddied up to this guy. By the end of the trip they were openly holding hands and who knows what she told him because he was giving me the side eye the whole time. I didn't know at the time, but I'm pretty sure this is where she started her lie.

The ride home was different. We talked very little. She reminded me that I had promised to help her with her take home math test (do it for her) when we got back and I blew it off because I was upset because she basically dumped me for this other guy even though I knew we weren't official – but I thought it was going in that direction.

Once we got back I didn't really hear much from her. A few days later her two best friends called me and told me that she was spreading lies about me raping her because she failed the take home test and blamed me because I didn't help her with it. I was a very well known guy around college and so word got out quickly. Once an ex got a hold of the rumor she spread it around my circle even more and I lost quite a few female friends over it. The part that sucks is that none of my 'friends' ever even asked my side of the story. This is the first time I've ever spoke about it to anyone."


28. Luckily There Was Video

"Once, in high school.

The girl in question was well-liked and did well academically. I was an average guy. We got paired up on some science project and wound up staying later at school to work on it together. The librarian was in her office, blinds closed and loud music playing. We finish the project after about an hour and part ways.

The next day I get to school and she's telling everyone I assaulted her, that she had to run away before I did anything worse and that I basically chased her out of the school. She's sitting in a chair in the office sobbing, and a couple of her friends are there comforting her. I'm remember thinking: I'm absolutely fucked.

Everyone in the administration believed her… For about an hour. The Vice Principal, one of the coolest and friendliest women in the administration, immediately started reviewing security tapes… Which showed her calmly walking out of the library, chatting with me.

The girl was suspended for a week, and while the school officially couldn't comment, the VP spent the week going above and beyond by loudly talking about how starting rumors with absolutely zero basis in fact is unacceptable behavior.

I don't even want to know what sort of damage it could have done to my reputation if the VP hadn't nipped that shit in the bud right there. The school could have sent me home for the day while they investigated and left the girl enough time to utterly ruin me.

I never found out why she did it. I didn't really talk with her or her friends before that. Wound up dating a friend of hers afterwards for a little while."


29. White Girl Cheats With Black Guy, Claims Rape

"I have a close friend that had a falling out with her boyfriend. He went out and hooked up with some chick a few nights later. Hook up chick goes home, and HER boyfriend calls her out for cheating, so bam – she was raped by my friends boyfriend, that she had had consensual sex with.

He's in jail, and has been, awaiting trial, for at least a year now.

This is in NH/VT – and the male accused happens to be black. Racism is real in the back woods, folks."

—maryjanexoxo Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Is It Illegal to Falsely Accuse Someone of Rape


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